Liberte possible card play glitch?

Played the latest version of Liberte today 8/26/23. One player not able to play special card from hand. Right click gave discard as the only option. We are sure that card prerequisites were met. Also, wondering if Dagger variant would affect automatic reshuffle of the empty draw deck?

Do you recall the type of special card that could not be played? Did the player try anything to workaround the issue - eg dragging card to main board.

I do not expect dagger variant to undermine the auto reshuffle. Did it seem to cause an issue in your game?

If you have a save or log file that would help.

Thank you for checking in. In case you did not get my email reply: Card was the Purge Card. Did not try to drag it.
The auto shuffle worked for us in our game, but one player could not get it to work a day earlier when familiarizing himself with the module. Unfortunately we did not save a game log. Stopped after turn three because two of us got smoked by a wide margin…terror in Paris was a big factor. Excellent module. Makes the game really flow.

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Took a look in a test game myself…

Purge Not sure what’s going on here. I thought I’d replicated the issue, checked the likely cause and it was ok. On going back to the card, it was now playable. Undoing and re-doing didn’t change that. Should it recur, the workaround is to drag the card on the board if sure that it is playable.

Auto Reshuffle in Dagger mode Tested using Dagger (two draws from face up) and drawing the last card directly. In both cases the draw deck was refilled from the discard pile. I also checked the B-deck event and that occurred correctly as well.

Thank you for reporting. I will keep an eye out for any recurrence of either issue. It may help me if you can record a log file should you play another game.

Also thanks for the kind words. I am very pleased to hear of someone using the module and that you found it helped the game along.

The card command glitch mentioned above is experienced by other players but I’ve not been able to find the cause or replicate it myself yet.