Locking game pieces

OK, so now that I have the zooming under control, I have another question:

Is there a way to lock game pieces in-game, i.e. I have game pieces that are parts of the board map (they’re individual board tiles that are placed together), and I want to be able to place them on the board and move/rotate them as much as I want, and them lock them to stop them from being moved or rotated.

Yes, play off of the interaction of Dynamic Properties and Restricted Access

Using DP’s you can set values based on facing(value), and have restricted
access work off of the (values) of that DP.

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A simpler alternative is to make the pieces ‘Does Not Stack’ and set ‘Select Piece:’ to ‘when ctl-shift-key’ is down. The drawback is players can still accidentally ctrl-shift-click a piece, but it is unlikely. Tim’s method is more ironclad.


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On 9/11/2008 at 5:17 PM Tim McCaron wrote:

Yes, play off of the interaction of Dynamic Properties and Restricted

Using DP’s you can set values based on facing(value), and have restricted
access work off of the (values) of that DP.

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So with restricted access, would I just set it to a side that no one controls?

Also, is there somewhere, besides the tutorials, where I can see the class importing functionality? Maybe the source of a few different kinds of classes, so I can see which one would work best? I’d love to be able to make an on/off context menu option to lock/unlock it, but the tutorial is a little ambiguous and a little disjointed.

I’m a bit confused. You don’t need to import any classes, you do what you want to do in several different ways using standard Vassal functionality. Tim and I each suggested a way.


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I’m guessing, then, that Tim meant Restrict Commands, and not Restricted Access? Because Restricted Access doesn’t play off of Dynamic Properties at all, and if that’s the case, from what I can tell, RC only restricts key commands, and not simple moving, which I also need to block. And while your way would work, there is still no dynamic capability. What I need is to be able to disable/enable all manipulation on these map tiles with one click inside the context menu. That would be the perfect goal.

And also, using the restrict commands trait, I can’t seem to get it to recognize when the property is locked. I.E. I have the Dynamic Property set to a list, with the selections Locked and Unlocked. When I go into the Restrict Commands, I don’t know what to put in the “Restrict when properties match:” box. Help?

Years later . . . So here was my solution to this problem as I was trolling these forums trying to find a one and stumbled upon this. Figured if anyone else was looking they might want to find another way of doing things.

I created two identical pieces. One with limited selection/movement (Hold the shift key to select & No movement) through the “Does not Stack” trait and the other a normal interacting piece. I then added a “Replace with Other” trait to each referencing the other. A simple swap. I am new to this so it may not be the best solution but so far it seems to work pretty well.