Looking for help to program

Hi all.

I am looking to create a mod to beta a dice/card game I’ve designed called A TWIST OF FATE.

I’ve never created a mod before, though have played Dreamblade here and did some trials at creation that…well, let’s just say if you saw these “creations” in a zoo, you’d beg someone to put them down :open_mouth:. Suffice to say I’m not so good with the mod’ing.

In any event, I am available/willing to go tandem with a tutor via AIM/Yahoo Messenger if there’s interest that route, or willing to also just take a partner who’d be able to knock things out.

The game right now is in its fourth revision of the initial rules set (thanks to my gaming gurus in PA, wife, and coworkers). As it stands, my actual physical prototype is on laminated cardstock, and done completely in MS Office-- Excel mail-merged into Word on business-card templates divided into tables and decorated with clip art. As such, I can give lots of template stuff to my co-mod’er (or whatever).

After launch, I’d LOVE some new blood breaking open the game. It’s really targeted to casual gamers and their non-gaming family members. The feel is Munchkin-y, tongue-in-cheek. As far as mechanics, there’s NO combat-- it’s strictly a “for points” kind of game.

Anyone interested?