looking to play AH classics

Sorry, I’ve never seen the game Attack Sub. I’d be interested in playing other things. Are you interested in any other games ? You might want to post a request to
the forums directly.


I really apologize for not sending you a setup yet. I’d forgotten we were going to play and then been
busy with other stuff. Will try to do that later today. Do you have a regular email outside of vassalengine.org ?


is war and peace still an option? I’d be interested. We had a great game we played in college back in 1982

I’ve played War and Peace ages ago. Napoleonic, right ? I’d be willing to give it a try, if there’s a VASSAL module
for it.


I’ve forgotten, if I’ve asked you, but what version of VASSAL are you using ? I’ve been using 3.5.8, but happy to run downlevel versions.

Just so we’re on the same page.


Done fiddling around, we’ll go with this …


ps how do you want to handle defensive fire during Gallic movement ???

(Attachment Alesia-Roman-setup.vsav is missing)

Which vassal vmod version of War and Peace would you suggest using ? Which edition of the rules ?


oddly enough, VASSAL emailer doesn’t let you attach a vsav file to anything going through their email
server. Do you have another email we could use ?


good question, maybe games with defensive fire are not well suited for PBEM…

Well, what we can do is modify play slightly. I would suggest you do all your move, send it to me, let me do any defensive fire,
send it back, you then resolve combats. You need not pre-declare combats, or if you’d prefer to add more excitement to play,
do pre-declare combats, and then resolve them after all defensive fire has been resolved. It does modify how the game
is played a bit, but it still makes for an interesting game.


you’re right, i confused AtG missile fire… send me your Roman setup and i’ll relieve the besieged… my email is tjmartin66x@gmail.com

provide the version of vassal you’re running and module version, too

i need the Gallic OOB… I have no idea, but I could go to Boardgame geeks… if you have a quick chart, send it.

i found it… we’re good to go… sending my first turn… muhahhahaha