Mark when ____

I like the mark when moved trait for the active units in my game. How can I get the same effect for a unit that has fired? Like a “Mark when fired” icon on my unit counter. Thanks.

Check out the ‘Pegasus Bridge: The Beginning of D-Day, June 6, 1944’ module.

It has a ‘Mark when Fired’ and ‘Remove All Fired Markers’ feature.

Hey…that’s where I saw that feature for the first time! I open the file in the editor but couldn’t figure out how the designer implemented that feature.

This feature has 2 components to it. The Fired Prototype and the Clear Fired Button.

  1. The Fired Prototype is a toggle that shows the ‘Fired’ tag on the piece. It is a simple toggle switch that is triggered by Ctrl-F.
    Place the Fired Prototype on any piece you wish to have the Fired tag used.

  2. The “Clear All Fired” button is a Global Key Command. It is placed on the Toolbar of the Map you want it used on. It fires the “Ctrl-F” hotkey only on those pieces which already have the Fired tag active.

You can download setups for the 2 components here:

This file has 2 pictures showing the setups in the Module Editor.

Hope this helps.


Thanks, Brian!!