Moderation Delays?

My module update for Midway has been in moderation for five days. Is there a delay of some kind? I’m wondering if there may be a glitch. It’s never taken this long before.

Make a link to your module in the Vassal modules area to a file in google drive/dropbox/whatever. Use that link in lieu of having an actual file in the vassal modules arena. Check out world in flames directory for examples.

I see your module in the moderation queue, submitted on 17 January. That’s only three days ago.

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That’s odd…here is what I see…

And, just to clarify, I don’t intend to complain. I am genuinely wondering if there is a technical issue. I think you guys have never taken more than 48 hours in the past. So, if you want me to expect five working days or something before bringing it up, that’s fine. I just need a benchmark to work with. If there has already been one published, please forgive my ignorance.

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Your file was approved on the 17th. The change which is still in the queue is the change to the module page.

I’ve approved the page change.

In general, there’s no reason to be concerned if it’s only been three or four days.


Ahhhh, I get it.

Please accept my apology for jumping the gun. I’m very grateful for the work that you guys do, and I hate to know that I have distracted you prematurely and unnecessarily.

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