Module Update: A Time for Trumpets: The Battle of the Bulge, December 1944 v2.9

Module Update: A Time for Trumpets: The Battle of the Bulge, December 1944 v2.9

I had to raise the heap size to 4096 to get it to load the campaign game start without giving me a memory error. Is there a reason this particular module is so memory heavy? by comparison the BCS title at about the same scale isn’t choking with the heap set to 512. It just seems odd to me.

Memory requirements for VASSAL modules are driven almost entirely by image quantity and size; I would guess that Time for Trumpets is using higher resolution images than BCS.

Hi guys

Indeed the module is very greedy in memory.
The main reason is that I created pieces that are composed of a very large number of traits that meet the whole range of functionalities described in the rules in order to offer the players the most interactive and fun module possible (for example the activation system).
The campaign is composed of more than 2000 pieces, which is why it takes a long time to download and consumes a lot of memory.
About the graphisms/images I have optimized the quality - size ratio as much as possible. So it is not the main reason for memory consumption
I have detailed and explained all this in the file “aTfT_Vassal_Module_v2.9_ReadMeFirst.txt” that you can download on the module page. You’ll find all the explanations you need to set the heap size and optimize the module in order to get the best of all the features.

I hope this answers your questions and that you still enjoy the module.

Jean Philippe