PDF files

Is there a way to add a PDF file to a module so that it’s visible in game?

I would like to add the game rulebook to the module so that players can click on a button and browse it if they wish.

However, I tried charts but they only handle images. I tried HTML charts with the PDF file itself (hoping it would start a browser and then read it with its PDF plugin) but everything hangs and Vassal needs to be killed. I tried making a real HTML file with just a an A link to the PDF, but that hangs as well.

Any idea?

P.S. This PDF file doesn’t convert well to PNG/JPG/GIF, and I tried many tools. It just explodes from 10 MB to 20-30 MB or the resolution needs to be dropped too much, making it unreadable.

PDF help?

oops, never noticed that thread!

will try that thanks