Private Window Problem

Howdy Gents,

I’ve figured out what a Private Window is and how to build it. I’ve got that down … save for one problem. When I got around to building Pre-Defined Set Up Scenarios, which must be done as the Observer, I cannot see, nor can I set up, units on those Private Windows. I thought to go back and ad the Observer as one of the players and thence to each of the Private Windows. That didn’t work. So, what do I do to view both sets of private windows (French and Spanish) as the observer so I can place units on the leader displays there on. This is supposed to be a build similar to OSG’s Napoleon at Bey’s French and Coalition AOD Private Windows.


You don’t need to have observer status the entire time you are creating predefined setups. Take the player side you need to access private windows, then change sides as needed to do all setup in other private windows. The crucial bit is to change sides again and take observer status (i.e., the state of not being in a player side at all) right before you hit save. This ensures that your personal module password does not lock up one of the defined sides. You don’t need to define an additional player side named “Observer” (this will probably just add confusion).

Thank You Much, that helps.