Who can make a module for a new boardgame project?


I am involved as the main designer in a boardgame project, a Horror survival game called Dark Darker Darkest.
To start the final steps in post-development at some point in the future we would like to use a Vassal module of the game to enable some intense playtesting of the final version.

So basicaly, I am looking for someone with enthousiasm who can tackle an above average game what complexity is concerned.
The game uses some A.I. routines for monsters and an above average amount of components.
More info about the game can be found at:

Take care,


Hi David,

Well, i think that i could help you …

I have already done plenty of Vassal Module for Print & Play purpose : Zombie in My Pocket, Dune Express, D-Day Dice, Utopia Engine, Infection Express, Chunky Fighters, Space Infantry …

You can contact me at soft-bug at vassalfactory point org

Best regards from Paris,
